The Whistle & Page Principles

“As I sink deeper into my blankets to get cosy, another pot of tea begins to whistle. The fresh scent of Jasmine and Cherry Blossoms fills the air with every flicker of the melting candle beside me. I look up from the slightly discoloured page of my cherished book, managing to catch the last glimpse of a few runaway raindrops on the window. I can’t help but smile. These are my favourite kind of days –the Whistle & Page days.”

–Nawsheen Hyland



The Whistle & Page vision is for you to find beauty in the simplicity of my creations and get cosy. I want you to enjoy our every interaction and find something extraordinary that fills your heart with delight.


Regardless of what I am making for you, know that every one of those creations has a piece of my soul embedded in it, and I sincerely hope they bring you as much joy as they have brought me making them for you.


Since moving to the country in the winter of 2019, I have intended to live and work purposefully and wholeheartedly. I am inspired by the natural beauty surrounding me, allowing that to influence my work.

I make all my pieces with the principle of Wabi-Sabi, where we are encouraged to find beauty in imperfection and accept the more natural cycle of life. The concept reminds us that everything, including us and life itself, is impermanent, incomplete and imperfect. Perfection, then, is impossible.